The register listing the strikers arrested after the Battle of Homestead, on display at the Bost Building. |
The launch for
Darkness Visible: A Novel of the 1892 Homestead Strike went off as planned on St. Patrick's Day at the Bost Building in Homestead, headquarters for the union during the Strike, currently part of Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area.
The author giving a slide presentation. |
Reading from the novel. |
Among the attendees were several descendants of George Washington Busch, and three Katilius cousins. Members of the Pittsburgh St. David's (Welsh) Society were in attendance, including President Ian Samways and Munhall H.S. alum Mark Thomas. At least eight attendees were former students of G. Edward Busch at Munhall H.S. Trilby's college friend Jay-Louise Weldon and her husband drove in from New Jersey for the event.
Setting up for the launch in the exhibit area.
Treats from the Blue Bonnet Bakery |
Trilby signing a copy for her Busch cousin, Grace Jack Krepps. Grace and her husband Phil were very helpful in researching the background for the book. |